Teaching - Supervisions


During my PhD, I obtained a Teaching Assistant position (Instructor). The purpose of this award is both to be trained by professionals to teach at universities through several weeks of training (pedagogy, psychology, assessment, negotiation, law, management), and to teach to students in Licence levels (64 hours) under the supervision of a Professor Associate. This position gave me the opportunity to gain experience in teaching, to learn how create lectures and practical courses, to adapt teaching conducted in team, and to better define my teaching approach. 

Thanks to this first experience, in 2009, I worked as a Teacher and Researcher Assistant during 2 years (384 hours) at the Department of Biology at the University of Angers (France). Working closely with my colleagues, my pedagogic approach was to present the principal fundamental concepts through lectures, which were followed by practical courses. Hence, main points and concepts of each lecture were improved and tested by student. This second phase allow them to observe on the field or in laboratory, to practice (dissections, inventories), in order to fully understand ecosystem and how organisms are functioning. 

I taught mostly to undergraduate students in order to initiate them to the organization of the animal kingdom and provide a solid knowledge in the fields of taxonomy, comparative anatomy and development, pre-requisites indispensable to address studies on Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology. I also taught to graduate students in Master “Wetlands eco-engineering” basics and concepts on structure and functioning of ecosystems, ecological management. I led and supervised during three years Master students to organise an exhibition to celebrate the RAMSAR days. 

Lectures and Practical Courses

Deuterostomien diversity to the fisrt year students
During lectures, we present to the Bachelor level's students the diversity and the taxonomic organization of organisms.
Through practical courses, students have the opportunity to observe many alive and fossilised specimens from each group. Hence, this unit give not only taxonomic notion, but also anatomic, physiologic and histologic basis to the students, to help them to understand the way of life of organisms into their natural habitat. 

Anatomy - Compared Anatomy to the second year students
Focusing on vertebrates, we developp the anatomic organization of cardio-vascular system, uro-genital system. During practical courses, students used chicks as model.

The aim of "compared anatomy" is to observe the structure of organisms from an evolutive point of vue. Thus, through osteology studies, students compare bones of organisms belonging to diverse taxonomic groups according the way of life (movment, habitat, etc...)

Adaptation - Breeding Strategies to the third year students
At the Bachelor level, we developp concepts of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation. Using data from an experimental breeding, students observe interaction between environmental factor (drying pond) on the larval development of common frog tadpoles (Rana temporaria). 
Through practical courses, I described the different reproduction modes, the biological mechanisms of animal reproduction and the role of reproductive strategies in the evolutionary mechanisms. Through a field trip, students observe and identify all amphibian species, sexual dimorphisms, parades, and different larvae and tadpoles.

Environmental Managment - Structure and Functioning of Ecosystem to Master students
I especially developped wetland ecosystem: types, their functionning, how to survey and protect them.

 RAMSAR Days organized by Master students

I led and supervised during three years Master students to organise an exhibition for three days to celebrate the international convention of wetlands, the RAMSAR days (les Journées Mondiales des Zones Humides, JMZH). The aims of the event is to communicate to a large public the importance of wetland in the world through conferences, photos expositions, animations for kids, observations on the field. For this unit, students had to build a budget, to make applications for grants and hardware to Private companies and Ministry organisms, to invite speakers for conferences (company leaders, deputy, Mayor, researcher, association leaders), to prepare all logistic. My goal with these exhibitions is to improve their communication abilities, train them to organize congresses, and allow them make many contacts and increase their professional network.  

 Amphibian management to students of the Veterinary School of Lyon (France)

Through a field expedition in the Ardennes, I teach them all anatomical, physiological and behavioral details of all Amphibians present in France. Moreover, this field trip is a perfect occasion to practice how to observe, capture, and identify the different species of Amphibian, but also to study the protection measures implemented in this region.


As a PhD student, I supervised 4 undergraduate students during their Bachelor´s projects, and assessed 6 other.
I also supervised 4 graduate students for their 1st year Master projects (internship during 3-4 months):


Xavier Heckly. Age structure of European water frogs from Northern France.


Mangeat Marc. Habitat characterization of European water frogs from Northern France.

Alban Gerard. Variation in life history traits of hybrids P. kl. esculentus tadpoles originated from two different habitats.


Thomas Sire. Morphological comparison of water frog complexes from two regions of France.